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Interview Questions

I asked everyone the same just for uniformity sake.   questions Questions I asked. Name  and tribe. Tell me something that makes you proud of your tribe, tell me something about your tribe that other people don’t know. What is tribalism to you? do you know of any positive stereotypes associated with your tribe Any...
More Precendences.

More Precendences.

Fractum is a multi channel video installation done by Candice Breitz. Candice conducted intensive interviews with seven pairs of identical twins and a single set of identical triplets after which she edited the footage and used it to create seven dual-channel video installations. Each pair of twins was filmed separately  andwas asked the same kind...
Aesthetic Precendence

Aesthetic Precendence

As far as the aesthetics of my project is concerned , I drew a lot of inspiration from Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience. This project by Times magazine presents a memorable video collection of dramatic testimonials from U.S. leaders, firefighters, flight attendants, veterans, family members and survivors who miraculously escaped from the collapse of the...
Final Interviews.

Final Interviews.

So I finally flew back home to do the final interviews during the Spring break. THIS IS IT !! Shooting the interviews was absolutely crazy!! I had a Panasonic HMC 150 Camera kit, A canon 7D Camera kit, a set of 3 red head lights , Small Photo and Video Tripod, Large Lighting Kit, Reflector...
Super Awesome Shoot

Super Awesome Shoot

So today I had a shoot with one of my friends. I just wanted practice with the camera and lights. Just to see if I could recreate the kind of aesthetic I am going for. I shot this using a green screen which was not a very good idea, because the resolution of the video...


My goal is to have a clean sterile, uniform look , with a clean white background.
final sketches.

final sketches.

I decided the best way to create  an experience for the viewer is to create a room. This will create a multisensory installation for the viewers. This will also create a safe, sterile environment.   Each monitor represents a tribe , There is “conversation” between the screens.    
Precedents !!!

Precedents !!!

Well, I was introduced to Candice Breitz last year but I totally forgot her work. She does these amazing video installations using cut up video’s from popular movies. With this piece ( Mother ) Candice isolated tiny episodes of dialogue, from different movies and presented them as if there was a single narrative thread running through ....

Updated sketches

After the peer reviews yesterday – Well most of them asked me why I dont have any interaction in my work, well… I would love to include lots and lots of interaction because I think when people interact with any piece of work, they get more engaged in it. And I have thought about having...


The more I think about these preconceived notions, the more I am convinced that conversation is needed. These groups need a platform to talk and discuss, to hear each others views . A platform where there is no superiority , and each group gets an equal chance to let their views heard. A sort of round...


well I still want to take the interviews, I think thats one of the best ways I can get the people  to candidly talk about their views. I have been sketching a lot. About how I can create conversation, and dialogue between the groups. One way is to get the people together in a round...

This is it!!!

So I met with a friend today, to brainstorm and just talk about our thesis projects, and it was quite insightful. Well I already had my idea, but it was very helpful to just talk about it, and it helped me clear my mind about so many things. One of the questions she asked me...